
  achieve success.

There are two sides to the bottom line of our work with CA +: the benefits for the business and the benefits for the individual. Those of Aurizone speak for themselves: we have achieved several hundred thousand euros in sales. Arnaud’s intervention completely unlocked the commercial machine. Without his advice, we would not have signed a third of our turnover! From a personal point of view, I have acquired skills that make me autonomous to reproduce what we have put in place.
And we really enjoyed the relationship with Arnaud. His listening skills, his quality of preparation for each meeting, his ability to bring new ideas are very appreciable. In addition, Arnaud does not seek to apply a ready-made method but really to build tailor-made solutions, perfectly adapted to the context of the company and its manager. Finally, his honesty about his skills and knowledge, this ability to say “I don’t know”, is very reassuring

I have used Arnaud’s services several times, and each time I have been more than satisfied with the results. Arnaud finds it easy to understand the company’s situation, my problems and my expectations, which allows him to quickly provide effective answers. And its expertise is broad: recruitment, sales pitch, negotiation, commercial strategy… Each working session results in relevant and immediately applicable actions. And we see the results in terms of signature! In addition, the meetings are conducted in a very professional and at the same time very friendly manner. Arnaud knows how to be square and available.


right questions and bring the teams to question themselves in all kin


From the start, the feeling went well. It is easy to work with Arnaud. He uses a vocabulary understandable by all. In addition, Arnaud made the effort to adapt to my world, real estate investing.

Finally, in terms of method, the fact of working in stages, laying the bricks as you go, is very effective.

We a lot!
In terms of return on investment, I get my money’s worth! During a very critical period, Arnaud Cielle greatly contributed to our passing a course and developing ourselves.


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